We are focused on our aims and objectives which link with abcdiganosis with the awareness of the red flag signs and symptoms of metastatic breast cancer. We specifically provide a website but also provide a red flag infographic for signs and symptoms of metastatic breast cancer which is downloadable in 12 languages and NHS England signpost to it. Being approved across Wales and embedded for primary patients and Scotland are doing the same. It’s used in England via Cancer Alliances.We focus on drug access for patients.Access to clinical trials. And are part of the current audit for metastatic breast cancer as we need to be counted. We provide treatment line information as no one else provides this information by breast cancer type. We also provide a clinical trial data base for metastatic breast cancer which is a complete listing as no one else provides this information. We campaign to help patients and raise awareness of the disease. We are always looking for volunteers who will help us to do our work in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland as systems are different in each of these areas and we support all our patients in the UK.
Cancer type(s):
Breast cancer in women and Breast cancer secondary
METUPUK is the only metastatic breast cancer patient advocacy group in the UK.
We offer:
- Cancer information materials
- Cancer information materials in other languages
- Information
- Signposting to other services
- User groups
- Written resources in other languages
Opening times:
24 hours website and social media
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Jo Taylor on 07899796616
- Join-us@metupuk.org.uk
- www.metupuk.org.uk